Forma Brands Forma Brands
Forma Brands Forma Brands
Forma Brands Forma Brands
Forma Brands Forma Brands
Forma Brands Forma Brands
Forma Brands Forma Brands
Forma Brands is a house of brands in the beauty space. I worked with GUT on bringing them to market for the first time on the web.
We utilized high end imagery and motion in order to bring to life the premium feeling that the brand wanted to convey.
As a house of brands, Forma is the driving force behind the talent and brands, but not the main focus. This idea is conveyed through the motion of the carousel, where Forma's name is only briefly visible as it transitions between images.
We used high-quality imagery to convey a sense of premium and add depth to a site with limited text.

I particularly enjoyed creating the Lottie animation for the logo build, menu open, and close.
The team
GUT Struck
agency Partner
Suny Gao
Frontend Dev
Kenny crosby
frontend dev